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4 Reasons Why .NET Core + Angular Is The Fastest and Most Cost-Effective for Web App Development 4 Reasons Why .NET Core + Angular Is The Fastest and Most Cost-Effective for Web App Development

4 Reasons Why .NET Core + Angular Is The Fastest and Most Cost-Effective for Web App Development

Updated Feb 20, 2024

13 mins read

Before starting the development of their web application, companies need to consider a lot of factors to ensure it reaches the pinnacle of success. The most important thing to start with is choosing the technology stack your app will be based upon.

In general, web development stack is a combination of programming languages, tools, and frameworks that not only bring your product to life, but also ensure its effectiveness, scalability, and further maintenance. The choice of the right tech stack is especially challenging in today’s era where technologies are evolving faster than businesses can adapt.

The right tech stack is the basis for any successful project and can bring a lot of benefits to your application development, including:

  • reducing development costs

  • enhancing application security

  • improving application performance and quality of the source code

  • speeding up the development process

  • increasing the web application scalability

  • simplifying the software’s codebase maintenance without additional costs and technical debts

So what tech stack to choose then for your next web app development project? In its annual survey, Stack Overflow asked nearly 90,000 developers about their technologies of choice. Combined with Leobit’s years of experience in the field of web app building and our customers’ success stories, here’s a brief overview of why we believe the Angular + .NET Core combination to be the optimal solution for 2020 and the next 5 years.

Why Businesses Should Consider Angular for Front-end Web App Development

The history of Angular started in 2009 when Google engineers created a framework that laid a foundation of current front-end development. It was officially released in 2010, and contributed greatly to building scalable and high performing web applications. The Angular framework was designed with a particular purpose to simplify the process of creating user interfaces and overcome the restrictions of other existing technologies in one integrated package. The list of popular web applications powered with an Angular framework can be endless. Here are some of the Angular apps: Office 365, Forbes, Xbox, Google Cloud Blog, Ryanair, Mixer, NBA, JetBlue, iStock Photo, Upwork, Freelancer.

Nowadays Angular projects have millions of supporters. Thousands of companies provide education, deliver courses, and create Angular libraries. In the near future, Angular is predicted to keep flourishing with new features and Angular core import capabilities. A crucial step in Angular evolution is the launch of Angular Ivy, which is a new Angular renderer. It is going to change how the framework internally works, focusing on speed improvements, size reduction, and increased flexibility of Angular applications.

Six Benefits of Using Angular Framework for Building Your Web App

Angular Benefit #1: Component-based Structure

The component-based architecture of the Angular framework is responsible for the decomposition of the design into individual logical components. Every component is a self-sufficient piece of UI, screen, or route, and contains elements with related functionality. This structuring provides additional features and speeds up application creation and delivery. 

Angular Benefit #2: Two-way Data Binding

Angular provides a feature of immediate and automatic synchronization of data that happens between the  Data Model and the View. So whenever the data store updates, the user interface updates as well. It significantly reduces development time as there is no need to write additional code for continuous View and Model synchronization.

Angular Benefit #3: Easy-to-use Forms

Accepting user inputs is one of the most important functions of any Angular app. Angular makes it easy to build forms and provides good support for them. It is highly beneficial especially when it comes to building large-scale enterprise applications where numerous forms are used to perform countless data-entry tasks.

Angular Benefit #4: Dependency Injection

Dependency injection (DI) is a technique whereby one object supplies the dependencies of another object. Angular framework utilizes DI mechanism through injectors to make code less coupled. For example, you can import injectable from Angular core in Visual Studio Code. Dependency injection helps in unit testing, simplifies extending the application, and increases source code reusability.

Angular Benefit #5: Community

One more thing that makes Angular projects powerful and reliable in the market is a strong community. It is guaranteed that a strong code base will provide the necessary support to the application at any stage of development. The Angular framework is also supported by all modern IDEs: Microsoft Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ WebStorm, etc.

Angular Benefit #6: Fast Development Process 

The Angular framework uses a lot of ready-made components and supports Angular core import, which significantly reduces the time for the development of Net Core web applications. It also provides almost all common architectural solutions out of the box.

Why Angular Might Not Suit Your Needs

Of course, just like any other platform, Angular comes with some limitations. Before choosing Angular for web application development, businesses should consider the following two scenarios that might require a different front-end tech stack for their planned app.

Case #1: When You Need High Flexibility for Third-party Components

As far as Angular third-party libraries are used more and more often, the need for tweaking the out-of-the-box behavior is also growing. Changing initial behavior or morphing components into something different is not so straightforward and may be a challenge for an inexperienced user. Of course, well-designed software architecture and having an experienced engineer on your Angular project will mitigate the risk, so you might consider investing a bit more time and budget into the discovery and software architecture design first.

On whole, each of these frameworks (Angular, React, and Vue for web client development) embrace the modern browser for allowing the development of rich web applications that are designed to complement a larger cloud-based, modernized solution. They all have maturity in the OSS community and yield terrific feature sets, performance and capabilities. If there is any main drawback, it’s the focused requirement on requiring heavy JavaScript development experience and its ecosystem of libraries, which not all enterprises contain, and thus can create a learning curve in some instances.

Allen Conway

Principal software engineer at Cognizant

Case #2: When Your Team Needs Keeping Dependency Up to Date

Angular updates its version twice a year. So it might be a bit complicated to keep the knowledge and source up to date, in particular for full-stack developers. In addition, some breaking changes between versions require more effort than expected to migrate an Angular app. In this case, engaging an agency specializing in Angular development might be a better choice over in-house development. Usually, the agencies adopt the new versions much faster than internal teams due to the sheer volume of different projects they face, and a well-developed internal community that naturally forms in a specific tech-focused company.

Taking into consideration all the pros and cons of Angular, it can be rightly called one of the best front-end development frameworks for large-scale enterprise solutions and Angular apps with dynamic content.

Pros and cons of Angular programming language

Pros and cons of Angular

Why Businesses Should Consider .NET Core for Back-end Web App Development

.NET Core, an open-source cross-platform framework, can be considered a true revolution in Microsoft’s approach to application development. It was released in 2016 as a modern replacement of .NET Framework with some additional and enhanced features.

As per Statista’s findings for 2022, approximately 25% of respondents opted for the .NET (5+) Framework, whereas around 17% preferred the .NET Framework (1.0 – 4.8). Growth in usage has been observed in data analysis and machine learning technologies like NumPy and Pandas, with 20% and 19% of respondents, respectively, reporting their usage. According to the aforementioned Stack Overflow’s annual Survey, 77.2% of respondents regard .NET Core as the most loved non-web framework. What’s more, .NET Core community has already accepted contributions from over 60,000 developers and 3,700 companies. There is no doubt that .NET Core has an extremely promising future. All further investments in .NET are expected to be related to .NET Core. For instance, by the end of 2020, Microsoft scheduled the release of .NET 5. It will be a single unified platform for building applications that run on all platforms (Windows, Linux) and devices (IoT, Mobile). It is a big step forward that is based on .NET Core work already achieved.

4 Benefits of Using .NET Core Framework for Building Your Web App

.NET Core Benefit #1: Easy and Reliable Maintenance

.NET Core in a combination of C# & F# requires less coding as compared to many other languages, which makes it more readable and straightforward. As a result, developers can structure and optimize the code for better performance. Less coding also means easier maintenance. What’s more, .NET applications have guaranteed support of Microsoft that makes them fully compatible with all Microsoft products, safe, and reliable in a long term perspective.

.NET Core Benefit #2: High Performance

One of the main benefits of .NET software development is its modularity. New memory allocation concepts, high community efforts, and Microsoft support made it much more lightweight and multiple times faster. Adding the core libraries and optimizing the tools helped developers to write efficient and high performing code. It led to easier upgrades, faster development release cycles, making .NET Core one of the best web frameworks available on the market.

.NET Core Benefit #3: Open-source 

Compared with the .NET framework, .NET Core is an open-source one. The flexibility of open-source software provides users with a lot of benefits. Each developer can contribute to projects, suggesting ways to fix them, offering corrections and improvements. Thanks to the huge open-source community support, you can also easily adjust the existing solution if it’s not suitable enough for your needs. For example, you can visit the GitHub repository and submit an issue for review. Thousands of developers will then investigate your code, track a bug, and help improve the quality of your code and an application overall.

.NET Core Benefit #4: Cross-platform

While the .NET framework was created to run only on Windows, .NET Core can be deployed on any operating system, depending on your preferences. It is a big advantage, as you can easily reuse any existing environment and reduce development costs.

Why .NET Core Might Not Suit Your Needs

Although .NET Core is considered an extremely powerful programming environment for server-side development of flexible and dynamic web apps, it has one insignificant disadvantage that has to be mentioned.

Incompatible with Outdated .NET Library

.NET Core is a great platform for any OS, but it is not as mature as most programming platforms. While .NET framework includes a large class library, not all of them were optimized for .NET Core. That’s why the only downside of .NET Core is that it is relatively fresh and it doesn’t have a sufficient number of up-to-date libraries. However, this insignificant drawback can be easily overcome with the help of its .NET Core community that offers constant support to the members.

Considering .NET Core high performance and cutting-edge features, this framework is definitely the future of web application development. It is gaining popularity among developers and businesses for its robust industry solution. So if you are planning to create a successful application that can be easily deployed on different platforms, .NET Core is the right option for you.

Pros and cons of dot net core framework

Pros and cons of .NET core framework

Four Reasons to Build Your Web App Using .NET Core + Angular Combination

Choosing Angular for the front-end and .NET Core for the back-end side of your web application will allow you to get the most out of these extremely powerful web application frameworks.

Reason #1 for .NET Core and Angular: Decoupled Codebase

When you create an Angular application with .NET Core back-end, your Angular code doesn’t depend on the .NET code. You can host it in another repository in case you change your mind to combine it later on. This feature might be also useful if you decide to develop a mobile application in the future since you’d already have the server side in place.

Reason #2 for .NET Core and Angular: Fast Development

Angular and .NET Core stack is also a great solution if you need to develop a successful Net Core web application quickly. Both frameworks have tons of open-source and proprietary libraries that allow you to speed up the development process. It is worth admitting that Angular is written in TypeScript that is strongly typed language similar to C#. Syntax of TypeScript is also very similar to C#. Such similarity results in less bugs and ensures you can use the same classes with just small modifications.

Reason #3 for .NET + Angular: Cost-effectiveness 

Language similarity of Angular + .NET Core results in one more beneficial feature – decreased development costs. Leobit can recommend  a full stack developer who will be responsible for every step of development, starting from server-side and ending with elements users directly interact with.

Reason #4 for .NET + Angular: UI Stack Plasticity 

The flexibility of the latest ASP.NET Razor with assistance of certain modules from a set of available libraries gives you the possibility to combine even native ASP.NET MVC UI with Angular. This significantly shifts functionality from client to server, in case you prefer back-end development over front-end. In combination with server-side rendering, it provides the ability to achieve the ultimate speed for the first-page load.

Learn more about the use of .NET Core vs. Node.JS vs. RoR for web development in our article about .NET Core, Node.JS, and RoR frameworks.

Angular and .Net core tech stack advantages

Angular and .NET core tech stack advantages

How Using .NET Core with Angular Contributed to Success of Leobit’s Customers

Over the years, Leobit’s developers have shown solid expertise using .NET Core and Angular for web application development, delivering to our customers great value by developing scalable, successful solutions with fast time to market and excellent UI:

  1. Web-based data analysis tool for indoor and outdoor cycling. The released product helped the customer company to enter the global market and grow end product users by 10 times. It is currently used in more than 2,500 sport clubs worldwide.
  2. A customizable web CRM for enterprises. This unique development solution allowed our customer to save $350,000 within the first 6 months after its implementation.
  3. App for connecting buyers with industrial 3D printers. SaaS web-platform designed by Leobit’s experts enables fast and efficient creation offers and query processing in the field of 3D modeling.

Of course, there is no silver bullet that is suitable for all projects regardless of their business needs and specifications, but the stack combination of Angular and .NET Core covers 99% of cases. Angular will improve your app with its asynchronous nature, modular structure, and the templating system, and .NET Core will enhance its effectiveness when it comes to speed, and security.

If you’ve identified the need for a full-stack specialist proficient in both .NET and Angular for your project, refer to our article “How To Hire Full-Stack Developers: What You Should Know In 2023?”

If you don’t know where to start or still have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us, filling out the free consulting form.

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Artem Matsa | Business Development Director